Champion Beer of Britain/Champion Beer of Scotland Heat Results

Champion Beer of Britain Heats held during 2024

Results of heats held at Larbert Real Ale & Cider Festival on Friday, 29 March 
1stCromarty Rogue Wave
2ndLoch Lomond Bravehop
3rdCromarty Raptor IPA
4thFive Kingdoms Bay of Plenty
Session Stouts and Porters
1stCairngorm Black Gold
2ndSulwath Black Galloway
3rdArran Clyde Puffer
4thHarviestoun Old Engine Oil
Results of heat held at the Members’ Weekend on Friday, 26 April
Session Bitters
1stLoch Lomond West Highland Way
2ndSwannay Scapa Special
3rdLoch Lomond Bonnie & Blonde
4thOrkney red MacGregor
5thBlack Isle Red Kite
6thOrkney Northern Light
Results of heats held at CAMRA’s Glasgow Real Ale Festival (GRAF) on Friday, 7 June
Premium Pale, Blond and Golden Ales
1stFyne Ales Avalanche
2ndFive Kingdoms Prentice
3rdKelburn Jaguar
4thCairngorm Gold
Speciality Beers – Flavoured
1stCromarty Brewed Awakening
2ndCairngorm Trade Wids
3rdIsle of Skye Gold
Strong Stouts and Porters
1stFive Kingdoms Dark Storm
2ndLoch Lomond Silkie Stout
3rdFive Kingdoms Calm Before the Storm
4thCromarty Ghost Town
Results of heats held at CAMRA’s Ayrshire Real Ale Festival on Friday, 4 October
1stFive Kingdoms McGregor’s Mild
2ndSwannay Dark Munro
Session Pale, Blond and Golden Ales
1stCromarty Happy Chappy
2ndFyne Ales Jarl
3rdHarviestoun Bitter & Twisted
4thLoch Lomond Southern Summit
5thFive Kingdoms Bright Idea
Brown and Red Ales, Old Ales and Strong Milds
1stOrkney Dark Island
2ndFive Kingdoms An Invisible Hand
3rdStewart 80/-
4thBroughton Wee Jock
5thArran Dark
Barley Wines and Strong Ales
1stBlack Isle Hibernator
2ndBroughton Old Jock
3rdBeath Unicorn Invasion of Dundee
Results of heats held at CAMRA’s Alloa Real Ale & Cider Festival on Friday, 8 November
Premium Bitter
1stCairngorm Wildcat
2ndSpey Valley David’s Not So Bitter
3rdFyne Ales Highlander
Speciality Beers Differently Produced
1stCromarty Red Rocker
2ndHarviestoun Schiehallion
3rdWilliams Bros Fraoch Heather Ale
4thCromarty Whiteout
Result of CAMRA’s Session Champion Bottled Beer of Britain (CBBoB) heat, hosted by Edinburgh and South East Scotland Branch on Wednesday, 11 December
1stFive Kingdoms Summerisle
2ndFive Kingdoms An Invisible Hand
3rdBurnside Chain & Anchor
Result of CAMRA’s Strong Champion Bottled Beer of Britain (CBBoB) heat, hosted by Renfrewshire Branch on Saturday, 14 December
1stFyne Ales Mills & Hills
2ndFive Kingdoms Dark Storm Stout
3rdFive Kingdoms The Rum Diary

The winning beers will now progress to the Champion Beer of Britain category finals in 2025 and the Champion Beer of Scotland final in 2025.

Champion Beer of Britain Heats held during 2023

Results of heats held at Larbert Festival on Friday, 31 March 
1stFive Kingdoms McGregor’s Mild
2ndSwannay Orkney Mild
Premium Bitters
1stAlechemy Ten Storey Malt Bomb
2ndCairngorm Wildcat
Results of heats, held at CAMRA’s Beer Tent at Paisley Food and Drink Festival  on Saturday, 22 April
Session Pale, Blond and Golden Ales
1stLoch Lomond Southern Summit
2ndFyne Ales Jarl
3rdOrkney Island Life
4thCromarty Happy Chappy
Speciality Flavoured
1stCromarty Brewed Awakening
2ndSpey Valley Stillman’s IPA
3rdCairngorm Trade Winds
4thIsle of Skye Skye Gold
Session Stouts and Porters
1stCairngorm Black Gold
2ndAyr Rabbie’s Porte
3rdSwannay Sneaky Wee Orkney Stout
4thFyne Ales Vital Spark
Results of heats, held at CAMRA’s Glasgow Real Ale Festival on Friday, 16 June.
Session Bitters
1stKelburn Red Smiddy
2ndAyr Complicated Maisie
3rdSwannay Scapa Special
4thOrkney Northern Light
Premium Pale, Blond and Golden Ales
1stSwannay Orkney IPA
2ndFyne Ales Avalanche
3rdFive Kingdoms Prentice
4thFyne Ales Hurricane Jack
Speciality Beers – Differently Produced
1stCromarty Red Rocker
2ndWilliams Bros Fraoch Heather Ale
3rdHarviestoun Schiehallion
4thArran Blonde
Results of heats, held at CAMRA Ayrshire Real Ale Festival on Friday, 6 October.
British and New World IPAs
1stCromarty Raptor IPA
2ndLoch Lomond Bravehop IPA
3rdCromarty Rogue Wave
Strong Stouts and Porters
1stFive Kingdoms Dark Storm Stout
2ndFyne Ales Sublime Stout
3rdLoch Lomond Silkie Stout
Results of heats held at Forth Valley CAMRA’s Alloa Real Ale & Cider Festival on Friday, 10 November.
Brown and Red Ales, Old Ales and Strong Milds
1stWindswept Wolf
2ndStewart 80/-
3rdOrkney Dark Island
4thIsle of Skye Skye Black
Barley Wines and Strong Ales
1stBroughton Old Jock
2ndOrkney Skull Splitter
Result of the heat hosted by CAMRA’s Renfrewshire Branch in the Bull Inn, Paisley, on Saturday, 2 December 2023
Session Bottled Live Beer
1stFive Kingdoms Summerisle
2ndStewart Session IPA
3rdFive Kingdoms McGregor’s Mild

The winning beers will now progress to the Champion Beer of Britain category finals in 2024.  They will also progress to the Champion Beer of Scotland final in 2024