Meetings and Events in Scottish Branches

SCOTB Meetings

The branches within Scotland host the quarterly SCOTB meeting on a rotational basis. 

SCOTB branches are asked to submit a report one week before each meeting describing any relevant activity within their branch based on the action minutes. Branches are also requested to provide details of meetings and events scheduled for the following three months.

SCOTB officers are also requested to submit a short report on relevant activity within their remit based on the action minutes of the previous meeting

Schedule of Planned Meetings
Forth Valley Branch will host the next SCOTB meeting at 13:00 on Saturday, 10 May 2025, at the Station Hoel in Larbert. 

Forthcoming SCOTB CAMRA Events

A PDF listing all planned events within Scottish Branches can be found here.

Branch AGMs

Aberdeen, Grampian & Northern IslesSaturday, 5 April 2025 at 14:00Ravenswood Club, Banchory
Ayrshire & WigtownshireSaturday, 22 March 2025 at 14:00Troon Town Hall and Walker Hall
Dumfries & StewartryTBATBA
Edinburgh & SE ScotlandTBATBA
Forth ValleySaturday, 15 March at 14:00Station Hotel, Larbert
Glasgow & West of ScotlandTBATBA
Highlands & Western IslesSaturday, 22 February at 13:00Castle Tavern, Inverness
Kingdom of FifeSaturday, 17 May at 13:00Betty Nicols, Kirkcaldy
RenfrewshireMonday, 17 February at 19:00Callum’s, Johnstone
TaysideSaturday, 14 June at 13:00Speedwell Bar, Dundee